Guizhou Provincial Party and Government delegation visited Guangdong and Cedar Holdings

On 8-10 November, Guizhou Provincial Party and Government delegation visited Guangdong. On the afternoon of 8 November, an informal discussion was held in Guangzhou between delegates from the two provinces to explore further development of the poverty alleviation collaboration. Li Xi, Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, and Sun Zhigang, Secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee delivered speeches in the event. Ma Xingrui, Governor of Guangdong, and Shen Yiqin, Governor of Guizhou Province introduced the poverty alleviation collaboration between the two provinces. Wang Weizhong, Deputy Secretary of Guangdong Provincial Committee and Secretary of Shenzhen Municipal Committee were on the visit.

Li Xi expressed his gratitude on behalf of Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government for Guizhou’s long-standing support to Guangdong. He emphasized the importance of observing the guidelines of the 4th Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and acting on President Xi's instructions on winning the critical battle against poverty and improving the East-West poverty alleviation collaboration. He suggested focusing on assisting Bijie and Qiannan, seeing poverty alleviation as a key responsibility, a duty and an urgent task, and putting solid efforts into the poverty alleviation collaboration between Guangdong and Guizhou. First, industry-focused poverty alleviation should be a priority. Efforts should be made to guide more Guangdong enterprises to invest in industrial park and base construction, support the local area to grow their specialized industry, build up their self-development capability and establish a pillar industry that helps lift the local people out of poverty and live a decent life. Second, labour service cooperation should be strengthened. It is important to set up platforms for collaboration, make full use of training opportunities and job opening from projects including Guangdong skilled workers, Chefs of Cantonese food and Cantonese housekeepers so that more households can work their way up to a well-off life. Third, poverty alleviation through education should be furthered down the road. Schools and hospitals are encouraged to offer assistance through pairing programs. Exchanges and training activities for leaders and talents from industries should be increased. All efforts lead to the same goal of boosting inherent growth drivers of the poor regions. Fourth, it is necessary to double down on consumption-driven poverty alleviation, bring Guizhou-made products to the market and Guizhou food to Guandong, improve tourism collaboration and build more and better sales channels and brand promotion events. Fifth, it is key to catch the significant opportunities presented by the Greater Bay Area construction and supports for Shenzhen to build a demonstration zone of socialism with Chinese characteristics, continuously expand room for cooperation and development. Sixth, efforts should be made to improve the organization and guide upon poverty alleviation collaboration. At the same time, it is important to make sure that the provincial governments should be the first one to be held accountable, coordination between departments should be put in place, municipal and country governments should carry out specific measures.

Guizhou Provincial Party and Government delegation visited Cedar Holdings. (Photo source: Guizhou Television)

On behalf of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, Guizhou Provincial Government and people in Guizhou, Sun Zhigang expressed his gratitude for Guangdong's long-standing support to Guizhou. He also emphasized the necessity to act on President Xi's instructions, see poverty alleviation as an important political task, try hard to help Guizhou win the critical battle against poverty alleviation. This shows Guangdong's kindness, speed and power as well as the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. This will make us more determined and confident to gain the victory against poverty and confirm the "Four Awareness”, “Four Confidence” and “Two Maintenance”. Currently, Guizhou observes President Xi's instructions, carries out comprehensive record of poor population of the rural area, work on education, medical care, housing and drinking water security, drives rural industrial transformation, build on the achievements of poverty alleviation and make sure that their goals can be met in a timely and quality manner. Sun hoped that Guangdong could offer assistance in agriculture, consumption-driven poverty alleviation, education, medical care, tourism, human resources development and so on. He also expected some help for Bijie in building demonstration zone that reflects the new development philosophy. At the same time, Guizhou will create a solid business environment for Guandong's enterprises and contribute to the cooperation between the two provinces.

Also on the visit were Guangdong provincial leading officials, Zhang Shuofu, Ye zhenqin, Zheng Yanxiong, Guizhou provincial leading officials, Li Yufei, Zhao Deming, Liu Jie, Lu Yongzheng, Zhou Jiankun, as well as Wen Guohui, Guangzhou Mayor and Chen Rugui, Shenzhen Mayor.

On the afternoon of 8 November, Guizhou Provincial Party and Government delegation visited Cedar Holdings and listened to King Cheung’s report on Cedar Holdings development. According to King Cheung, Cedar Holdings is one of Guangzhou homegrown private enterprises listed on the Fortune Global 500. It is actively expanding the global business landscape in order to become a world-leading conglomerate. In recent years, Cedar Holdings has observed the central government policies. Guided by Guangdong Provincial Government and Guangzhou Municipal Government, the company plays an active part in the East-West poverty alleviation collaboration. Cedar Holdings focuses on lifting people out of poverty through education as it believes the importance of great minds and strong will. With further development of the Greater Bay Area construction, the industry cooperation between Guangdong and Guizhou province is embracing double opportunities presented by the Greater Bay Area strategies and the East-West poverty alleviation collaboration. Cedar Holdings will make full use of its advantages in sectors such as commodities, cultural tourism, and financial services to explore new possibilities of investment and growth in Guizhou, contributing to its industry transformation and upgrade.

Sun Zhigang, Shen Yiqin talked with King Cheung in Cedar Holdings (Photo source:

Sun Zhigang made clear his appreciation about business development in several sectors and East-West Poverty Alleviation of Cedar Holdings. He expected Cedar Holdings to build on its existing achievements to double down on investment on sectors where its business belongs to as well as the poverty alleviation efforts. He welcomed Cedar Holdings to make long-term investment in Guizhou.

In recent years, while striving for quality growth, Cedar Holdings is working hard to participate in poverty alleviation collaboration, especially in Bijie, Guizhou province where Guangzhou targets its help. Cedar Holdings also actively supports local areas in building education infrastructure, improving vocational education and scholarship and stipend setup, contributing to critical battle against poverty.

Article courtesy of: Southern Daily, Guizhou Daily and Guangzhou Daily.

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